Thursday 24 February 2011

Longest-serving rogue leaders

From MSN UK news (

These leaders are reportedly rogue!

They have been killing, robbing their countries for decades...yet they still have their own loyal supporters!..

As true as the quotation goes ...

"There is enough in this world for every man's need but never enough for one man's greed!

They are...(I believe the list is endless!)

1. Muammar Gaddafi - Libya - since 1969.

2. Ali Abdullah Saleh - Yemen - since 1988.

3. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo - President of Equatorial Guinea - since 1979

4. Robert Mugabe - Zimbabwe - 1980.

5. Omar al-Bashir - Sudan - since 1989.

6. Islam Karimov - Uzbekistan - since 1991.

7. Isaias Afewerki - Eritrea - since 1993.

8. Than Shwe - Myanmar - since 1988.

9. Kim Jong-Il - North korea - since 1994.

10. Alexander Lukashenko - Belarus - since 1994

11. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Iran - since 2005.

12. Raul Castro - Cuba - 49 years (with his brother, Fidel, of course).

1 comment:

afd1296 said...

Arab mmg bongok